air scrubbers

What Are The Top Air Scrubber Benefits And Main Uses?

What Are The Top Air Scrubber Benefits And Main Uses?

By: Brothers Equipment And Supply

There is one incredibly important benefit that comes with air scrubbers and it is the ability to cleanse the air of any toxic materials or pollutants.

This is probably the main reason why people tend to use air scrubbers so much.

They are considered the first method that could prevent air pollution and any form of contamination in the air.

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) overlooks the quality of air all the time since it can have some smaller or larger negative effects on health.

They are determined to do what they do best and that is maintaining proper air quality. It is one of the main reasons why air scrubbers have increased in popularity.

You can find air scrubbers everywhere. All you need to do is look around in your friends or relatives’ homes, in factories, commercial locations, and offices.

Basically, you need fresh and clean air everywhere, so adding an air scrubber to all these locations is essential.

Air Scrubber Benefits

Air Scrubber Benefit 1. Removes All Airborne Contaminants

Believe it or not, closed spaces tend to be about two to five times more polluted than outdoor spaces.

The air in buildings, homes and manufacturing plants can be a lot more dangerous than the air you breathe outside.

The air scrubbers act as the perfect solution here. Being capable of removing 99.99% of pollutants, toxins, and contaminants, they are deemed extremely powerful.

You can use them to protect the workers. They are such powerful devices, they can protect the health of anyone who walks into a closed space.

Air Scrubber Benefit 2. Law Compliant

There is a certain law to comply with and it is the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990.

Each year, more and more chemicals are added to this list that needs to be controlled.

There are about 189 hazardous items on that list and 100 of them are considered extremely hazardous.

These require government approval for control programs and prevention releases.

Since this is a growing concern in the community, this has led to some developments that include methods that will prevent the destruction of the environment from progressing any further.

Even though there are many methods in the works, air scrubbers are proven to be one of the most effective ones.

Air Scrubber Benefit 3. Power

Many facilities rely heavily on air conditioning so they can clean the air and prevent pollutants from spreading further.

All of these systems are considered useful in the process, but there is nothing more useful than the strength of the air scrubber.

According to data from manufacturers, air scrubbers have shown to be 50 times more powerful than any HVAC system when it comes to controlling and eliminating airborne contaminants and pathogens.

The cleaning filtration system of an air scrubber removes 90% of the contaminants and pollutants within the first half an hour of working.

Air Scrubber Benefit 4. Air Freshener

There is a certain power that comes with air fresheners in terms of removing odour from spaces and adding a breath of fresh and pleasant scent.

But, the fact is that air fresheners are just another form of pollution. There is a chemical substance that is added to the previously contaminated air, so the air fresheners are much different from the air scrubbers.

Air scrubbers on the other hand can kill off all bacteria, contaminants, chemicals, pollutants, odors, and the smell of air fresheners too.

Any odours that derive from rotting substances, manufacturing processes, or spoiled foods are gone, and they are replaced with fresh and clean air.

Air Scrubber Benefit 5. Addition To The HVAC System

There is a constant strain on the HVAC system to collect pollutants while maintaining a certain temperature.

This can wear the system down and make its lifespan shorter. If you manage to install an air scrubber, this will reduce the overall workload of the HVAC system.

This will result in a longer lifespan and better use of the HVAC system. On top of it all, the cleansed air is easier to cool down and circle.

When the air scrubber removes the small particles of dust and pollen, the HVAC can focus on getting its job done – cooling the air without any pathogens around.

Air Scrubber Benefit 6. Health Aspect

More than 36 million people all over the world suffer from a certain allergy, including pollen.

This is the most common cause of an allergy. Pollen is a fine powder that flowers, grass, trees, and weeds produce. This is a natural way for plants to propagate their species, but during that process, it can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

Nowadays, most HVAC systems are not able to remove the pollen while filtrating the air because the particles are extremely small.

However, air scrubbers are the right tool for the job! They are capable of removing even the tiniest particles of pollution or pollen. By using this device you will be able to ease any allergy you may have.

There are sophisticated filters within the air scrubber that help treat and clean the air until it becomes clean and free of pollen.

Air Scrubber Benefit 7. Removed Materials

Particulate matter and volatile organic compounds are the main components of indoor air pollution.

These are microscopic organisms that include pollen, dirt, various types of chemicals, and hair and skin residue too.

The organic compounds include everything from smells from vapour, smoke, and other odours.

Think about it this way – many, many microscopic life forms floating in the air at any given moment.

These include mould, mildew, viruses, bacteria, and more.

Most of them are the cause of pollution. As air scrubbers are used, they are extremely powerful in the fight against particulate matter, microbes, and volatile organic compounds.

Air Scrubber Benefit 8. Saving Money

There is a cost-saving advantage when using air scrubbers.

Even though the initial cost of the air scrubber as well as the installation cost can vary between 1k-4k, this will give you many good results in the long run.

Yes, the installation may cost a lot, but the benefits outweigh the costs. In the long run, this will keep you safe from any diseases, and costly maintenance. The air scrubber can save you from high medical bills, electricity, cleaning costs, and more. It will work harder to make your living or working space cleaner and more pleasant.

On the other hand, there are many uses for air scrubbers.

There is still an open discussion regarding the quality of the indoor air with the use of the air scrubber. Many researchers, projects, and studies have proven the benefits of using the device.

Some of the most frequent devices that people use include moisture-adding or removing systems, air purifiers, and HVAC systems. Humidifiers and purifiers are the most popular ones. You can find them anywhere – in homes, offices, establishments, factories, etc since they are excellent at removing particulate matter.

Recently, there has been talk about the top uses of air scrubbers. Here are some of the most popular ones just below.

What Can I Use An Air Scrubber For? Mould Removal

Regardless of the environment, mould is a common issue found in most buildings and homes. This can happen anywhere and it can take over any indoor space.

As time passes and it is left unattended, it can do damage to surfaces, create serious health issues, and damage the quality of the air.

Air scrubbers are an excellent way to deal with this issue because they are designed to work against pollution in larger areas. In most cases, having a portable air scrubber is a perfect choice, and you only need to use I until you contain the condition.

What Can I Use An Air Scrubber For? Kill Dust Mites

Instead of being allergic to dust, you may only be allergic to dust mites. These are living creatures that live in the dust.

An air scrubber can kill the mites and successfully remove them from the air. All types of these devices can eliminate dust mite contamination 100%.

What Can I Use An Air Scrubber For? Dissemination Of Oxidizers

The air scrubber cleans the air and it manages to release oxidizers that spread through the atmosphere that assist in the process of removing pathogens on surfaces and airborne ones.

This is not the main focus of the device, but it is a benefit that further cleans the environment.

What Can I Use An Air Scrubber For? Natural Air Cleaner

The air scrubber is a natural and eco-friendly method to clean the air. Being completely different from an air freshener, instead of polluting the air, the air scrubber will recondition the air by removing the toxins and ensuring safe and clean air.

What Can I Use An Air Scrubber For? Cleaning Of The Air

Generally, air cleaning is the first and most important function of the air scrubber. This device is specifically designed to reduce mould, odours, contaminants, VOCs, gasses, and any other pollutants.

You can find a good air scrubber here at Brothers Equipment and Supply.

Manufacturers have contributed to creating a safe space for everyone by researching the abilities and pushing the limits of all air scrubbers.

This is why they are an excellent choice for all who wish to remove toxic matters from the air and breathe air in with ease.

Quick Summary: What Are The Top Air Scrubber Benefits And Main Uses?

Air Scrubber Benefit 1. Removes All Airborne Contaminants

Air Scrubber Benefit 2. Law Compliant

Air Scrubber Benefit 3. Power

Air Scrubber Benefit 4. Air Freshener

Air Scrubber Benefit 5. Addition To The HVAC System

Air Scrubber Benefit 6. Health Aspect

Air Scrubber Benefit 7. Removed Materials

Air Scrubber Benefit 8. Saving Money

What Are The Main Uses Of Air Scrubbers?

Mould Removal

Kills Dust Mites

Dissemination Of Oxidizers

Natural Air Cleaner

Cleaning Of The Air

If you have any questions about air scrubbers or need to buy an air scrubber online feel free to call us 647-735-4847 or chat with us in near real-time on social media.

Brothers Equipment And Supply

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