How To Remove Humidity From My Basement?
By: Brothers Equipment & Supply
Key ways on how to remove humidity from your basement:
- Open your windows
- Schedule routine cleaning
- Seal all gaps
- Turn the heat up
- Use a dehumidifier
Below we highlight must-know expert tips on how to remove humidity from your basement.
Let’s get right into it!
How do I know my basement has a high humidity level?
If there are high moisture levels in your basement, you will start noticing the following:
- Dampness: Whenever you take a look at the walls in your basement, you start noticing some discolouration and moisture, remember that this is not a good sign. If the walls feel moist to the touch, then you need to take charge of the situation.
- Condensation: Any glass or plastic cup can reveal this. If there is condensation, then there are high moisture levels.
- Musty Odour: Another dead giveaway is the musty odour that spreads whenever you enter your basement. You can notice this by leaving a piece of clothing for a few days there. If it starts smelling, then it is time for a change.
- Damaged Paper: Last but not least, there are some things that are too difficult to ignore. For example, any paper that has been stored in the basement, if it gets damaged, it is time to repair your basement.
You can use a humidity device that measures the humidity in the air and this is how you can control the environment that you live in.
The humidity level should be around 30% if you want to create optimal living conditions.
Here Are 5 Tips On How To Reduce The Humidity Level In Your Basement:
- Open Your Windows: This is an excellent way to get the air moving, so you can get rid of all that stale air that has been in your basement. Whenever you get down to your basement, make sure to open a window and let some light and air come in. This is how you can create a better environment.
- Clean It Regularly: Avoid making a mess out of your basement. This means that you should focus on removing and throwing away everything that creates clutter in your basement. Remove everything from boxes to clothes that you no longer wear. This is how you will let the air circulate better and this is how you can prevent any water damage done by moisture.
- Seal All The Gaps: If you notice there are any small holes or leaks, remember to shut them off completely. This is how the humid air can enter your basement and it can increase the humidity level immediately. Seal them off so you can prevent that from happening.
- Turn The Heat Up: If you keep the temperatures at a low level, then moisture and humidity are bound to happen. This is why you need to turn up the heat. Get a heater or turn up your furnace so you can dry the air a little bit and make it less humid.
- Get A Dehumidifier: Having a dehumidifier makes the dehumidifying process that much easier and faster without the major headaches. Dehumidifiers remove the humidity from your basement by absorbing the extra moisture from the air. All you have to do is plug and hit the power button and leave it in your basement. It is a great way to keep your belongings safe and the moisture at a decent level. Like with any appliance, you should look into the space size and what you think is required so you can buy the best humidifier according to your situation.
How To Find The Best Dehumidifier?
Well, as we just mentioned, all dehumidifiers are meant for a different space. All you need to do is make sure that you are buying the correct one for your space.
So, the first thing you need to do is see how big your basement is.
Remember, the bigger the basement, the stronger the appliance that you will need.
We have a range of expert-approved small and large dehumidifiers here at Brothers Equipment And Supply.
In this case, if the basement is smaller, then you can probably clear the air with a smaller model. Nowadays the market can be overwhelming with options, so get a starting point.
This is something that usually comes in the form of a recommendation.
Talk to a family member, a friend, or a colleague, maybe they can help you!
If you can’t get a recommendation, then it is always a good idea to go online and read through the reviews of some of the most popular models.
You should also set a budget too. At least a ballpark will do at the beginning because it can give you an idea of what to look for.
When you are looking for a dehumidifier model, one of the best options you can go for is a dehumidifier that is the friendliest option too.
There is a large selection and you can find some which would suit your needs.
Buying a dehumidifier is a long-term investment and it can last up to 10 years.
If you have any questions about our article, “How To Remove Humidity From My Basement?” feel free to call us at 1-416-912-2205 or message us in near real-time on our Facebook fan page.